
At TQEA we have a comprehensive careers’ programme covering a wide range of opportunities and options for students to find out about and then investigate further.  We measure and assess the impact of our careers’ programme on pupils by the % of positive destinations students achieve when leaving TQEA and compliance with the Gatsby benchmarks.


Students are entitled to leave TQEA with the ability to compete nationally and globally in their chosen career. They will be given a wide range of information and advice about a range of careers throughout their education pathway.

Our Careers Lead is Mr Martin Webb

  • Telephone: 01827 712477
  • Email enquiries to:

Provider Access Policy May 2023

Your future, your choice.

TQEA Careers Strategic Development Plan

Click here for Career Paths And Vocations  – This document provides a brief overview of the careers education journey students will follow at TQEA.

Click here for Transition And Onward Destinations  – This document outlines the additional support students will receive during their transition from year 6 to joining TQEA and when they leave us at the end of year 11.

TQEA Careers’ Plan

For our annual schedule of careers events click here.

Useful Websites

Useful Websites Pic B

Careers Gallery

Year 7 visit 3M for a STEM trip

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MTC STEM Event- A group of year 10 students participate in a STEM event where they are required to design and build their own portable speaker and present it to the group.

MTC STEM Event (2)
MTC STEM Event (3)
MTC STEM Event (1)
MTC STEM Event (7)
MTC STEM Event (8)
MTC STEM Event (5)
MTC STEM Event (4)
MTC STEM Event (6)

NHS- year 10 have the opportunity to visit a local hospital and explore the wide range of career opportunities in the NHS through a series of practical workshops.

NHS Careers Trip (1)
NHS Careers Trip (2)
NHS Careers Trip (4)
NHS Careers Trip (3)

Careers Fair- students in years 8-10 will have the opportunity to attend the TQEA careers fair. They will have the chance to speak to a wide range of post 16 education and training providers, higher education establishments and potential employers

Careers Fair 2 150x150

Construction- Year 9 students had the opportunity to visit a local housing development to explore and attempt a range of constriction skills with the Harper Group.

Post 16 – where do TQEA students go next?

Click here for Destinations Trends – Where students go on their next steps after Y11?

Click on the images below for annual post 16 data and destinations.

The Baker Clause – Opportunities for access

A number of events, integrated into the school careers programme, will offer providers an opportunity to communicate with pupils and/or their parents.   If you would like to present about approved technical education qualifications, apprenticeships or careers in your field of work please contact:

Mr M Webb, Teacher in Charge of Careers Education

    • Telephone: 01827 712477
    • Email:

The school will discuss and agree the most suitable method for your presentation.

Providers are welcome to send a copy of their prospectus or other relevant course literature for communication to the relevant cohort.

The school policies on safeguarding and visitors, (click here for our policies), set out the school’s approach to allowing providers into school as visitors to talk to our students.