
  • We value the opinions of all students through a strong vertical tutoring system.
  • Promotion of student opinions through the Junior Leadership Team with students making a formal application for the role and being interview by SLT and Governor representation.
  • Year 11 students are given the opportunity to put themselves forward to be elected to the Youth Parliament and if successful will visit the House of Commons.
  • Year 10 History students are given the opportunity to visit the Houses of Parliament for a tour and talk with our local MP.
  • Parental / carer opinions are sought at whole school events through the use of online questionnaires.
  • Across the curriculum students are given opportunities to discuss and debate and to a certain extent, students are given choices to ensure their participation and engagement.
  • Democracy is delivered as a concept and theme throughout the curriculum for example:
    • ICT: Freedom of speech and restriction on the internet
    • History: The Magna Carta and Conflict through parliament
    • Citizenship: Political parties and Police Commissioner elections
    • Science: Ethics and transplant
    • Media: Freedom of the press
    • RE: Religion and authority
    • PE: The impact of democracy through political pressure on sport, e.g. the boycott of the Olympics
    • English: Analysis of politician’s speeches

The rule of law

  • We have clear behaviour and praise policies.  Within lessons, expectations, standards and consequences are made explicit at the start of each year and are highlighted throughout each term.
  • We endeavour to reward persistently positive behaviour and students who continually excel in their lessons.
  • Across the curriculum and with particular regard in practical subjects, the well-being and safety of students is of paramount importance.
  • Students have the opportunity to earn vivos for effort, commitment to extra-curricular opportunities and attainment.
  • The notion of “positive sportsmanship” is a strong theme throughout PE and extra-curricular activities
  • The rule of law is delivered an as a concept and theme throughout the curriculum for example:
    • English:  The themes of law, honour and gangs are explored through the novel A View from a Bridge
    • Science: Effects of drugs, consent for sex and marriage within a unit on reproduction
    • Media Studies: The laws surrounding copyright and its relevance in society
    • History:  Modern slavery and human rights in the eyes of the law
    • PE: Rules in games and activities, including doping and legislation surrounding bribery.

Individual liberty

  • Our assembly programme and vertical tutoring structure re-enforce and shape school rules and policies.
  • Students are instrumental in agreeing and setting agreed codes of practice to ensure support and respect of all peers.
  • Our teachers, Heads of College and Leadership Team all work together in ensuring that students understand rules and responsibilities and the consequences if these are broken.
  • We have a close relationship with the Police Community Support Officers who regularly visit school.
  • Students are encouraged to show initiative and to understand how they can contribute positively within the classroom.
  • All students are given the opportunity to make some of their own choices and are allowed to adapt to their own preferences, for example by following a vegetarian diet.
  • A strong anti-bullying policy where incidents, although rare and often minor, are recorded and dealt with by an appropriate member of staff.
  • Anti-bullying competition run through tutor groups.
  • Online safety awareness given to all pupils.
  • Individual Liberty is delivered an as a concept and theme throughout the curriculum for example:
    • English Literature: Study of the novel A boy in the stripped pyjamas
    • History: The Civil Rights Movement
    • PE: Attendance at training and matches as p
    • art of their commitment to the team.  Pupils in KS4 can also devise their own practical PE lessons where possible
    • Science: Genetics and the Human Genome Project
    • RE: Human Rights
    • Art: Students have the opportunity to work independently and as part of a team to build self-esteem and resilience

Mutual respect

  • There is culture of respect across the school.  Students have the ability to challenge and question in a safe environment.  Praise and recognition of effort is made explicit.
  • Autism awareness month is celebrated across the school.
  • Diversity week is celebrated in line with the ‘just like us’ event.
  • Events of national significance, such as Remembrance Day, are remembered through whole school assemblies.
  • Across the curriculum speaking and listening with respect is a classroom expectation.
  • Peer assessment is widely used across the curriculum to highlight points of praise and areas to develop.  This is encouraged through a mature and sensitive approach.
  • Challenge of stereotypes is evident throughout the curriculum.
  • Mutual respect is delivered an as a concept and theme throughout the curriculum for example:
    • Art: Artists’ work from different cultures is studied creating discussion about what we think and what others may think.
    • English: Spoken language presentations are viewed and critically respected by peers
    • ICT: Use of an art gallery to review completed work and to praise those who have done well
    • History:  International diplomacy
    • Citizenship: The nature of families and relationships
    • PE: Students officiate their own games and ensure there is an unbiased approach
    • Media Studies: Freedom of the press and debate of issues such as the watershed and censorship
    • RE: Respect for individual and collective culture through the study of major world religions

Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs

  • Unacceptable behaviour is dealt with instantly and discussed with students so that reflection can take place.  Tolerance is promoted through the discussion of different people’s ideas.
  • Global Dimension Day is celebrated throughout the school every year.
  • Tolerance is delivered an as a concept and theme throughout the curriculum for example:
    • PE: Games from other cultures e.g. Kabbadi as well as disability sports such as goalball.
    • MFL:  Films are watched in French
    • RE:  Different faiths are widely studied, for example the creation story in the Sikh faith.
    • English: Travel writing involves different cultures and faiths in addition to a KS4 unit on Poetry from other cultures
    • History: The Holocaust and anti-Semitism
    • Catering: International cuisine is investigated and cooked in addition to dietary laws
    • Maths: Mental maths activities linked to themes from religious festivals
    • MFL: Studies of Francophone countries
    • Science: Variation and ethics of transplants
    • Media Studies: Stereotypes and how the media uses common conceptions
    • Art: Creative responses and understanding of different cultures and styles within art.