KS3 Intervention

TQEA COVID Catch Up Premium Strategy

TQEA Year 7 Literacy and Numeracy Catch-Up Premium Report – 2020

Catch – Up Advance Programme details

Advance is a targeted bespoke catch-up programme for KS3 students. It supports students with low literacy and/or numeracy levels from KS2 in making accelerated progress in these areas, achieving the core skills necessary to engage with the secondary curriculum and to function as an effective member of society.

Advance Numeracy

Pupils will participate based on their KS2 data for mathematics and follow Manipulatives Intervention and Times Table Rockstar programme in order to raise their attainment.

Pupils will participate based on their KS2 data for mathematics. The intervention will ensure pupils develop a greater conceptual understanding, through the use of manipulatives. We will also focus on increasing their rapid recall of the essential multiplication and division facts required in many other topics, through the Times Tables Rockstar Programme in order to raise attainment.

We believe that developing pupil’s ability to communicate mathematically is at the heart of any success; Manipulatives offers both pupils and teachers a way to substantially improve communication – and therefore develop the mathematical skills to ensure they become mathematically competent when leaving the academy.

In either paper form or online, Times Tables Rock Stars is a carefully sequenced programme of daily times tables practice. Each week concentrates on a different times table, with a recommended consolidation week for rehearsing the tables that have recently been practised every third week or so.

This format has very successfully boosted times tables recall speed for hundreds of thousands of pupils over the last 8 years in over 14,000 schools – both primary and secondary – worldwide.

Click here for research about manipulatives

Advance Literacy

Literacy-fresh start

Pupils will participate based on their KS2 data for Reading and Writing and follow elements of the accelerated reader programme (Renaissance UK)  in order to raise their confidence and reading ability, ultimately supporting them to raise their overall attainment.

We will build on pupils’ prior learning of phonics at primary school over a series of modules which get progressively more challenging.  The programme develops students’ decoding, comprehension, vocabulary acquisition, and writing skills to support their progress, not just in English, but across the curriculum.

We believe that developing pupils’ ability to read and write and, crucially, pupils’ own confidence in their communication skills are key to ensuring students make rapid progress, as are able to access the curriculum at secondary level, and are able to live happy and successful lives beyond their schooling.

Our programme is highly structured, purposefully providing students with the opportunity to overlearn the sounds (of which there are 44 in the English language) and the spelling patterns associated with each sound.   Students get plenty of practice at reading and understanding what they have read, leading to the more complex analysis skills central to the English curriculum.

A joined up approach

Numeracy and Literacy are also developed through Maths and English lessons taught by specialists. These develop core skills and leaders use the analysis of KS2 QLA data to adapt schemes of learning to best suit the needs of the pupils. For example, in 2016/17 the analysis of English KS2 papers showed that skills of inference needed improving so the Year 7 schemes have been revised to develop pupil inferences of texts. This is reviewed each year.

 Funding 2019-20

Resources and allocation

  • Budget is approximately £16,000
  • We have made catch up accessible to all students who need it, by delivering it in Year 7 and 8 lessons

Funding 2018-19

Resources and allocation

  • Budget is approximately £16,000
  • We have made catch up accessible to all students who need it, by delivering it in Year 7 and 8 lessons

Funding 2017-18

Resources and allocation

  • Budget approximately £26,000
  • Funding has increased significantly since 2016/17 to support the further success of the programme.  Advance now supports students in both Year 7 and Year 8.

Funding 2016-17


  • Budget approximately £13,000


  • Funding used for Year 1 of our in-house Advance programme focused on Year 7

 Spending breakdown

  • Hours – 8 hours a fortnight (7 teaching, one support/preparation) x 20 cycles x 2 staff = 320 staff hours
  • Staff member A = £7840; Staff member B = £8160
  • Total – £16000 (£3000 additional spend subsidised by the school)