Welcome parents and students to your very own TQEA transition page. It is through the use of this page we will be keeping you up to date with all of the events that we have got planned.

Please try and visit this page as often as you can to check for any updates, as well as following our social media pages where possible (@TQEA_Principal twitter feed and TQEA – the Queen Elizabeth Academy facebook group).

– TQEA-The Queen Elizabeth Academy


A Welcome message from our Principal.

Mrs Ressel – Assistant Head (SenCo)

Mr Wiles– Head of Maths

Mrs Badham – Head of English

Miss Rowan – Head of Science.

Mrs Trewin – Head of STEM Faculty 

Miss Woodberry – Head of Humanities Faculty

Mrs Harris – Head of MFL

Miss Wilson – Head of Performing Arts and Sport

Virtual Tour – please see our video, taken in Summer 2020, to take a look around our school site

TQEA School Map – Jun 21

Upcoming Events.

Primary School Visits.

These will be taking place during the Summer term to meet your child face to face. During this visit we will be explaining the transition process and also answering any questions that your child may have. At the end of the visit, your child will be given a CHARACTER values home-school agreement and a data collection booklet. The CHARACTER values agreement outlines the expectations we have of our students whilst at TQEA and these are divided into our four key character traits; Pride, Endeavour, Resilience and Kindness. We make no apologies for the high expectations we have of our students as we know that these will allow them to be the very best
that they can be. We ask that you read through this with your child and that you both then sign the agreement. We also request that you look through the data collection booklet and complete all relevant forms to allow us to have everything in place come September. Both of these forms need to be returned to the academy by your child on the Transition Day.

Buddy Evening.
This evening is designed for those students and their parents/carers who are joining from our smaller feeder schools. All students eligible for this will be contacted with full details of the evening. If you feel that your child has been mistakenly missed off the initial list, then please do not hesitate to contact me.

Full details of dates will be released soon.

Transition Day
All students who have been offered a place at TQEA in September are expected to attend on the day as it is a wonderful opportunity for the students to experience what life at secondary school will be like. If for any reason your child is unable to attend then please do let me know.
On the day the students will meet their new tutors, along with the other members of their tutor group. They will also take part in a range of activities and lessons before attending an awards assembly at to celebrate all of the successes of the day. Students will need to arrive for 9.00am and should make their way to the school playground through the gates next to reception. The day will finish at 2.45pm and students can be collected at this time from the same place.

We request that all students attend in their primary school uniform and bring adequate equipment with them. During their social time they will have the opportunity to purchase food from the school canteen should they wish, however they are also welcome to bring a packed lunch with them instead. Any student that is entitled to a free school meal will be provided with a snack for break time and lunch on the day.

Full details of dates will be released soon, along with the plan for the day.

9.00 9.10-10 10-10.20 10.20-11.05 11.05-11.50 11.50-12.20 12.20-1.05 1.05-2.15 2.15-2.40 2.45
Arrival on school playground Meet the tutors! Break English lesson Tutor Time Lunch Maths lesson CHARACTER lesson Awards Assembly End of Day


Transition Evening
Following on from our transition day, students and parents are invited back into the academy from 5.00pm. On the evening there will be a range of speeches from key members of staff, including our Principal Mr. Neil Harding, alongside an opportunity for parents to meet their child’s new form tutor. Parents and students are asked to report to the school reception on arrival where you will be greeted by our Junior Leadership Team and directed to the relevant locations. We encourage as many parents and students as possible to attend if they can. Information about where and when to purchase uniform will also be available on this evening, along with detailed information on financial support for sourcing this.


Key Documents.

Please look through the key documents below for additional information on school policies and information on equipment and mobile phone use.

Attendance Policy 2023 Final From July 9th.docx (1)

ATT Attendance Ladder May19 (1)

TQEA Code of Conduct

TQEA Uniform

Equipment List

Mobile Phones Use

Privacy Notice

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What if page 2